Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Our little 8 month old!!

My little miss turned 8 months old on May 3rd!! I can't believe how fast the time has gone by!!! CRAZY!!! She is crawling around everywhere now and loves to chase Tyson around the house!! She is pulling herself up on everything and walking around the furniture and it won't be long now before she is walking!!! Ah!! I try to tell her she is still a baby but she is anxious to play with her 3 big brothers and her best friend Kali!! She has 2 teethe now and two more top ones trying to make their way through! She is a little chunk and loves loves loves to eat!!! Anything in sight!!! She says "mama" "dada" "hi" "bye" and "dede" for brothee which is what she calls Braxton. What a happy busy baby!! She loves to sing and dance, does patty cake and intsy wintsy spider! She especially loves to cheer for the boys at their games!! It is sooooo cute! We love you our princess!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE them laid out like that in a onesie, so easy to unsnap, puul aside the diaper and get fantastic close ups of her bald p---y then just gently rub it and video her going wild, so easy to snap closed if somebody comes, LOVE little baby p---y