Saturday, November 29, 2008

So Much to be Thankful For!

I am so very thankful for all that I have been blessed with in my life. I am so grateful for my family. I'm sorry to everyone but mine is the best!! We spent Thanksgiving with my mom, Randy, Nate, Andrea and the kids. It was so much fun just being together and the food was delicious...of course...except what I made. Why did the "good cook" gene skip over me??? :) Thank you mom!! And to make it an even better day, it was my birthday!! 21!! YAY! Gabe was so cute and made me my favorite cake(rainbow chip with rainbow chip frosting) even though we had so much pie, he wanted me to have my cake!! So cute!! Thanks sweetie!! And my life would be meaningless without my little ones!! I am so very blessed to have my boys, and my new little princess. :)

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