Monday, November 17, 2008


My cutest little Grandma turns 87 tomorrow!! We celebrated her birthday at Leatherbys on Saturday. YUMMY!! A family favorite!! She was so cute and just loved the baby. This is a cute 4 genertations picture of all of us. Aliya just loved her and sat so snug in her arms for a long time, which was a little amazing in itself because she had been fussy all day long. SO SWEET!


June said...

We can't get those pictures anymore. My grandma died the same month the kids were born and she lived in New Mexico. My brother was lucky to get one with his little girl (the 4 generations).

Elizabeth said...

Cute picture, I was just thinking of Grandma Ruth the other day(isn't that funny) I was wonder how she was doing? looks like you had a good time.